Mr. Shashidhar K, C.E.O., Suprabha Speaks on the Issues Facing the Packaging Industry

Packaging Solution - Suprabha

Increasing cost of supplies, rising production costs, unavailability of skilled labor, increased lead times and delayed dispatches are the most critical problems faced by organizations in the packaging industry in India. Packaging firms that strive for market leadership and sustainable growth: need to tackle these problems head-on consistently. Suprabha has set a new benchmark in the industry by streamlining its entire operations and aligning its entire supply chain towards the customer. With this new approach, Suprabha has managed to tackle most of the problems cited above. Long-time contractual agreements with its suppliers have helped Suprabha reduce rising procurement costs. Hiring professionals and in-house training have helped improve the skill levels of our workforce & our labor efficiency. Feasibility studies at large and small scale industries for process improvements conducted by our very own team of experts have helped us identify process bottlenecks and achieve wastage reduction and inventory control etc. to improve the final bottom line of our customers. These studies have significantly cut down our production costs and improved our lead times. Initiatives like Suggestion schemes from INSSAN, Quarterly Customer Meets and participating in packaging exhibitions and expos. etc. are at its helm. Such new ideas have helped us reap rich dividends from every stakeholder of Suprabha. With an explosion in the competition from a number of small-scale traders in the packaging business, Suprabha is planning to widen its distribution by venturing into partnerships with distributor networks across the country. Exploring such new initiatives and managing the same is now perhaps the next biggest challenge for Suprabha.

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